🚀 I've built the perfect SaaS starter kit.

This Next.js starter kit includes everything you need to build a SaaS product. From authentication to analytics, it's everything you need to launch your next project.

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Need a guide?

I'm working on a complete walkthrough on how to setup the project including any third party services, hosting, and how to run migrations and add new features, etc.

I am currently working on the video series and will be releasing the videos as I record and edit them. You can purchase the early access to these videos at a discounted price.

Purchase the Early Access Video Walkthroughs (50% off - $25)

What's Included in the Kit?

For those who watch my channel, you know I work on lot of different side projects. I've even lost track how many times I've reinstalled the same ShadCN components. To speed up my personal time to launch new products, I'm building a complete starter kit which includes most of everything you'd need when creating a new online SaaS product.

Buckle up, it includes:

I don't want to sell you code. I want to teach you how to build, launch, and iterate on your product. I'm excited to help you build!

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Purchase the Video Walkthroughs
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